on the blog
Translations news, trends, and insights
Guest Post: German Business Etiquette
When thinking of expanding into Europe, Germany springs to mind. Although the country is a net exporter with a surplus of €172 billion in 2021, imports reached a staggering €1,200 […]
Meeting the German Language Services team in Seattle
My name is Jim Cohen, and in May of this year I joined the staff of German Language Services as the Head of Business Development. Recently, I had the opportunity […]
Gender-neutral German nouns: How to be inclusive
Inspired by a recent question from one of our freelance translators about inclusive / gender-neutral language in German (below—feel free to skip past it if you don’t read German), I’d […]
How do you get a quality technical translation?
When people hear that you work as a translator, the default assumption—once they understand that you work with the written word, not spoken language—is that your days are filled with […]
Strategies for Translating Prepositions in German-to-English Translations
Anyone who has translated a text from one language to another knows that a word-for-word replacement won’t do. This is one of the many exciting challenges of translation: using different […]
No need to leave every stone in place
Fifteen years ago, I joined two amazing freelance translators to give a presentation […]
5 Gründe, warum Sie die ATA Conference besuchen sollten
Jedes Jahr veranstaltet die American Translators Association (ATA) eine Konferenz rund um das Thema Übersetzen und Dolmetschen. Expert*innen und Interessierte dieser Branche aus den ganzen Vereinigten Staaten – aber auch […]
How to become a professional translator or interpreter
What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter, anyway?
Technically, the word “translator” covers both translating and interpreting. For those who are interested in working as language professionals, however, […]
Guest Post: German Business Etiquette
When thinking of expanding into Europe, Germany springs to mind. Although the country is a net exporter with a surplus of €172 billion in 2021, imports reached a staggering €1,200 [...]
Meeting the German Language Services team in Seattle
My name is Jim Cohen, and in May of this year I joined the staff of German Language Services as the Head of Business Development. Recently, I had the opportunity [...]
Gender-neutral German nouns: How to be inclusive
Inspired by a recent question from one of our freelance translators about inclusive / gender-neutral language in German (below—feel free to skip past it if you don’t read German), I’d [...]
How do you get a quality technical translation?
When people hear that you work as a translator, the default assumption—once they understand that you work with the written word, not spoken language—is that your days are filled with [...]
Strategies for Translating Prepositions in German-to-English Translations
Anyone who has translated a text from one language to another knows that a word-for-word replacement won’t do. This is one of the many exciting challenges of translation: using different [...]
No need to leave every stone in place
Fifteen years ago, I joined two amazing freelance translators to give a presentation at the American Translators Association annual conference. One of the two, Celia Bohannon, is a top-notch German-to-English [...]
5 Gründe, warum Sie die ATA Conference besuchen sollten
Jedes Jahr veranstaltet die American Translators Association (ATA) eine Konferenz rund um das Thema Übersetzen und Dolmetschen. Expert*innen und Interessierte dieser Branche aus den ganzen Vereinigten Staaten – aber auch [...]
How to become a professional translator or interpreter
What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter, anyway? Technically, the word “translator” covers both translating and interpreting. For those who are interested in working as language professionals, [...]