Jim Cohen

Dolmetscher*innen im Gesundheitswesen – Warum wir sie dringend brauchen

December 6, 2022|Tags: , , |

Dolmetscher*innen werden in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen eingesetzt. Besonders wichtig sind sie im Gesundheitswesen, wo sie für die Kommunikation zwischen Patient*innen und ärztlichem Personal verantwortlich sind. Doch sind sie wirklich so unentbehrlich? Könnten nicht auch zweisprachige Familienmitglieder, Freunde oder Verwandte – im Allgemeinen Laiendolmetscher*innen genannt – ein medizinisches Gespräch verdolmetschen? Kurz [...]

Guest Post: German Business Etiquette

October 12, 2022|

When thinking of expanding into Europe, Germany springs to mind. Although the country is a net exporter with a surplus of €172 billion in 2021, imports reached a staggering €1,200 billion in the same year. It is difficult to avoid doing business with Germany, be it buying, selling or investing [...]

Meeting the German Language Services team in Seattle

August 30, 2022|

My name is Jim Cohen, and in May of this year I joined the staff of German Language Services as the Head of Business Development. Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a week working with my new colleagues at the company’s headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It was great meeting [...]

Strategies for Translating Prepositions in German-to-English Translations

March 18, 2022|Tags: , |

Anyone who has translated a text from one language to another knows that a word-for-word replacement won’t do. This is one of the many exciting challenges of translation: using different strategies to communicate the meaning of a text from one language to another. The task of the translator is to [...]

Dolmetscher*innen im Gesundheitswesen – Warum wir sie dringend brauchen

December 6, 2022|Tags: , , |

Dolmetscher*innen werden in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen eingesetzt. Besonders wichtig sind sie im Gesundheitswesen, wo sie für die Kommunikation zwischen Patient*innen und ärztlichem Personal verantwortlich sind. Doch sind sie wirklich so unentbehrlich? Könnten nicht auch zweisprachige Familienmitglieder, Freunde oder Verwandte – im Allgemeinen Laiendolmetscher*innen genannt – ein medizinisches Gespräch verdolmetschen? Kurz [...]

Guest Post: German Business Etiquette

October 12, 2022|

When thinking of expanding into Europe, Germany springs to mind. Although the country is a net exporter with a surplus of €172 billion in 2021, imports reached a staggering €1,200 billion in the same year. It is difficult to avoid doing business with Germany, be it buying, selling or investing [...]

Meeting the German Language Services team in Seattle

August 30, 2022|

My name is Jim Cohen, and in May of this year I joined the staff of German Language Services as the Head of Business Development. Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a week working with my new colleagues at the company’s headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It was great meeting [...]

Strategies for Translating Prepositions in German-to-English Translations

March 18, 2022|Tags: , |

Anyone who has translated a text from one language to another knows that a word-for-word replacement won’t do. This is one of the many exciting challenges of translation: using different strategies to communicate the meaning of a text from one language to another. The task of the translator is to [...]

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