Jim Cohen

5 Gründe, warum Sie die ATA Conference besuchen sollten

November 18, 2021|

Jedes Jahr veranstaltet die American Translators Association (ATA) eine Konferenz rund um das Thema Übersetzen und Dolmetschen. Expert*innen und Interessierte dieser Branche aus den ganzen Vereinigten Staaten – aber auch aus anderen Ländern – treffen sich, um sich fortzubilden, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und alte zu pflegen, aktuelle Trends in [...]

How to become a professional translator or interpreter

October 27, 2021|Tags: , , , |

What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter, anyway? Technically, the word “translator” covers both translating and interpreting. For those who are interested in working as language professionals, however, the first thing is to understand what each job actually entails. In the language industry, a distinction is made [...]

5 tips for top-notch corporate magazine translations

October 1, 2021|Tags: , , |

Corporate magazines are an essential tool of corporate communications, both internal and external. International companies often like to produce content in different languages for the various regions and countries where they are present. When it comes to ensuring superior magazine content, professional translators are the only way to go. They [...]

5 Gründe, warum Sie die ATA Conference besuchen sollten

November 18, 2021|

Jedes Jahr veranstaltet die American Translators Association (ATA) eine Konferenz rund um das Thema Übersetzen und Dolmetschen. Expert*innen und Interessierte dieser Branche aus den ganzen Vereinigten Staaten – aber auch aus anderen Ländern – treffen sich, um sich fortzubilden, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und alte zu pflegen, aktuelle Trends in [...]

How to become a professional translator or interpreter

October 27, 2021|Tags: , , , |

What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter, anyway? Technically, the word “translator” covers both translating and interpreting. For those who are interested in working as language professionals, however, the first thing is to understand what each job actually entails. In the language industry, a distinction is made [...]

5 tips for top-notch corporate magazine translations

October 1, 2021|Tags: , , |

Corporate magazines are an essential tool of corporate communications, both internal and external. International companies often like to produce content in different languages for the various regions and countries where they are present. When it comes to ensuring superior magazine content, professional translators are the only way to go. They [...]

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